Simply stated, I am not your ordinary wedding photographer. Rather than stand back and document the day from a distance, I prefer to get right in the mix, joining the festivities in order to capture all the joy and emotion from an insider’s perspective. I’ll do whatever it takes to get a great shot, be it dancing with Grandma, running barefoot down the beach, or joining the conga line with camera in hand. It is an honor to be chosen to capture such a rare and special moment in life, and I work hard to be worthy of that honor. But along with hard work, I bring a sense of fun and playfulness, and I believe that I elicit these qualities from others. Additionally, I view a wedding not only as a joyous event, but also as an opportunity to create artistic images that will stand the test of time. This is a challenge in its own right; hence I am always looking for a creative angle, a unique shaft of light, a pensive moment; any opportunity to capture beauty or emotion. Perhaps this comes from my background as a musician, or simply because I’m an artist at heart. The bottom line is, I love people, am a born romantic, and find weddings to be incredibly rich and stimulating canvases for creating beautiful, memorable images.
John Mazlish Weddings

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